Friday, August 30, 2013

Haiku Challenge: History, Politics, and Life in 17 Syllables

This last week or so has been filled with a number of historical and political events. The 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr's "I have a dream" speech. Marches across the nation that served as a memory of the suffragists who fought for women's rights to vote and a reminder of how far we still have to go. New kitten drama continues. And Twitter is continuing to serve as a surprising outlet for all of these things.

Here are the haiku's from this last week.


Haiku - like new thought -
Breathe softly and disappear
without impression.


Would the solid clank
of a press imprint my words
more firmly than keys?


One hell of a night.
Pain wracks my head like lightening.
Fucking allergies.


Alone among friends,
The writer in me panics.
Paper is kinder.


Nineteenth amendment
Gave women the right to vote.
We should use it now.


Exhausted, throat-sore
I make my way through darkness
To the ones who wait.


Mad Men: Where women
are not allowed to play and
nice guys finish last.


M.L.K. Jr
once had a dream that spoke
to all. Still we dream.


Life falls short of dreams.
Everything sounds much better
when it's on paper. 

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